Add credit to the account balance.
Parameter | Description | Required |
amount | Credit top-up amount. It must be between the minimum and maximum credit limits. | YES |
creditcard_id | The credit card ID. If left blank, a default card will be used. | NO |
curl \ -u 2e24c1cbdd987221e165d543f34b84bf:secret \ -d amount='10' \ -d creditcard_id='5e92a3ea768eb40d477bfee8'
JSON Response
{ "result": { "description": "Credit Top Up - $5.00 (+ $1 card processing fee)", "currency": "AUD", "created": "2020-04-27T03:30:53.747Z", "paymentref": "ch_1GcNgIHyxAvWXoxEfSiJ9cUi", "balance": "$24.97" }, "error": { "code": "SUCCESS", "description": "OK" } }