As an alternative to the default method of using Email SMS, you can send all requests to a single email address ([email protected]) and set the recipient and caller ID in the message body, using X-Headers. This feature is great for CRM systems and other types of integrations that use email to send out alerts but don't want to have to individualise email addresses for the standard email SMS system.
To send Email SMS using X-Headers:
1. Set your email recipient to [email protected]
2. Set your from email to your authorised Burst SMS email account. Set this in the Email SMS section of your account: Setting up and Sending Email to SMS
3. Leave subject blank
4. Set body as
X-Cellphone: 61438333061
X-From-Cellphone: 61438333061
This is where the SMS body goes.
The command X-Cellphone: is where the recipient number is defined.
The command X-From-Cellphone: is where the caller ID is defined.
See example below for correct formatting.
Send to Multiple Recipients
To send to multiple recipients, list the recipients in the X-Cellphone line, sperated by a comma.
I.e. X-Cellphone: 61438333061,61412345678,61487654321