Using webhooks in Marketo you can integrate with Burst SMS to send automated messages to your new leads and current customer database.
Create a new webhook in Marketo
Navigate to Admin section > Webhooks
Click on New Webhook
1. Enter Webhook Name
2. Enter Webhook Description
3. Enter URL: https://apikey:[email protected]/send-sms.xml
Your API key and creating your API secret can be found in SETTINGS (header menu of your Burst SMS account)
4. Request Type: POST
5. Template: This is the message you will be sending out.
Enter the following:
from= 614XXXXXXXX&to={{lead.Mobile Number}}&message={{my.SMS Message}}
i.e. from= Your Burst SMS dedicated virtual mobile number in international format
to: The destination phone number. Use the Token for your lead’s mobile phone number in here. It might look like {{lead.Mobile Number}}
message: Use the the Marketo Token created earlier to parse your message.
6. Request Token Encoding: Form/URL
7. Response Type: XML
Create a Smart Campaign
This is where you call your webhook and set any filters or triggers for your SMS campaign
1. Within your Marketo SMS Program, create a smart campaign.
2. In the smart list tab, select if your campaign is a one-off blast (using a filter) or to send out an SMS (using a trigger) from the options available on the right hand side of your screen.
3. From the flow tab, select Call Webhook
4. Activate or Run your campaign
NB: This integration does not allow replies into your Marketo program.